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The Conscious College

Conscious College
Pippa Leslie Meet Pip qhht practicioner Hamilton

This school is for the awakened souls ready to dive deeper in their consciousness journey. Each course is selected to help you on your divine path to enlightenment. The vision behind this is to create a school that is for anyone who wants to enroll into a magical place of study, growth and expansion. 


Imagine enrolling to go to Hogwarts, this is how Pippa envisions the Conscious College to be. A place to learn, to share knowledge, to deepen our innate wisdom.


Courses will be added monthly from Pippa and other teachers to assist you in all areas of your life. 


There will be an option to become a regular student to access all and future courses, or just take the ones you feel you need at the time. Whatever your intuition is guiding you to. (note - students who enroll to our school get full access to every course added)


For now explore the Answer Course here. Chris and Pippa spent a lot of time and effort channeling this beautiful course for you to expand your awareness. 



A School for the Conscious

Pippa Leslie
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Tel: +64272468989

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